The Life

Video of the Week

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Same Ol...

First off let me say i appreciate all the comments and emails sent regarding my blog

Now with that being said....i wanna say when you do leave your comments and emails i always check out the person behind the comment..ALWAYS!

Ok so i been gettin alot of emails from alot of ppl asking why i dont follow and comment on their blog. No itz not because im mean. Itz really that i noticed that 85% of the female bloggers talk about the same thing Fashion, and Makeup as their main topic. Now i dont know if you noticed but i am a nigga and i dont have much to say about the latest pair of Jimmy Choo heels or the newest bottle of Chanel #4.

I mean i just dont want to be following a whole bunch of the same thing. The best thing to me about following blogs is when you aint got nuthin to do or you get a lil bored you can hop on here and read something really interesting about someone or something. The killer part about it is some of you females are fine as hell which temps me to follow just on the strength of your looks(which i have done in some cases)but i know thats not fair to you.

Dont get me wrong im not tryin to tell you what to blog about because i do feel like this is a form of expression, im just tellin you why you aint gettin no replies from me.

Same thing with niggas seems like everybody wants to be a hip hop reporter, which is kool but like i said i just dont want to be following the same things.

I know this might deminish the interest of my blog but i rather be Real with you than sell you a bag of bullshyt!

Shout Outs: The Love Below, Diary of a Dime Piece, Badd Bytch Chronicles, and Swag Nation

i fucks witcha heavy!

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya...I try to post about EVERYTHING that interests me. music, fashion, art, photography, FOOOD, but especially my life and reflections. I like to make my blog my outlet for venting and rants.

    However, the tricky thing about maintaining a blog is that different visitors have different interests. Not all my visitors are gonna wanna read about fashion (like you), they'd rather read about my thoughts on life, etc. So you gotta mix it up a little. I feel like those are the 2 kinds of followers I have: Fashion interested & "Real Life" interested. I try to satisfy 'em both. Hmmm I feel a new post about this coming soon :-p
